LONDON. Royal Society, March 12.—Sir Charles Sherring-ton: Remarks on some aspects of reflex inhibition. Attempt is made to schematise in a diagram certain features of the interaction of central inhibition and excitation. Assumption is made of an inhibitory agent liberated centrally which neutralises chemically an excitatory agent when this latter is present, but the liberation of which is not dependent on pre-existence of the excitatory agent. Tetanic inhibition is dealt with as due to iterate production of the inhibitory agent, with exhibition of temporal summation and "recruitment."Central after-action, both inhibitory and excitatory, is attributed to temporary persistence of a residuum of the liberated inhibitory or excitatory agent. The schema is designed to meet in particular the experimental data furnished by the knee-extensor under crossed excitation and ipsilateral exhibition. It does not attempt to deal with late successive effects such as successive induction and rebound.-E. G. T. Liddell and Sir Charles Sherrington: Recruitment and some other features of reflex inhibition. Under mere prolongation of an otherwise unaltered stimulus of the inhibitory afferent nerve, the central inhibitory process recruits more motoneurones as it proceeds. The "stimulation-plateau"of the reflex contraction is more easily inhibited than the "after-discharge plateau."Experiments suggest that a reflex maintains maximal responf e of the individual "motor-unit "by a degree of central excitation which is commonly “supramaximal”, i.e. of intensity above the lower limit required for evoking the unit's maximal response. In the excitatory reflex a mechanism proximal to the motoneurone axon seems to react in an "all-or-none "manner when exposed to inhibition. -D. T. Harris: Studies on the biological action of light. Ultra-violet radiations exert a stimulant action on the gaseous metabolism of small animals, and on the movements of the frog's isolated stomach. This action is completely annulled by the presence of visible radiations, an action which seems to be physiological antagonism rather than physical interference. Exposure of an animal to mixed radiations of a powerful source of light depresses its heat production to an extent greater in pigmented animals than in albinos for the same rise of temperature in the surrounding medium. Thermo-electric measurements indicate that pigment, nevertheless, possesses high absorptive properties. Pigment appears to protect an animal against the lethal action of certain photo-dynamic substances.- H. Hartridge and F. J. W. Roughton: The kinetics of haemoglobin. III. Velocity with which oxygen combines with reduced haemoglobin. The reaction between oxygen and reduced haemoglobin is very rapid, the time required for half-completion being o-oi to o-ooi sec. The velocity-constants obtained at PH 7 and PH10, with different concentrations of haemoglobin and oxygen, agreed in showing that the reaction is bi-molecular. The dissociation curve for dilute haemoglobin solutipns is approximately hyperbolic. The quotient of the two velocity-constants, oxidation and reduction, is practically equal to the equilibrium constant. The presence of haemoglobin aggregates would not be expected to affect the velocity of oxidation, so long as the part of the molecule with which the oxygen combines is sharply localised and far removed from the aggregate-forming portion. This affords an explanation of the low-temperature coefficient obtained.-S. B. Schryver, H. W. Buston and D. H. Mukherjee: The isolation of a product of hydrolysis of the proteins hitherto undescribed. By means of the "carbamate "method, a base C6H14O3N2 has been isolated from isinglass. It differs from the other basic products of hydrolysis of the proteins in that it yields a barium carbamate insoluble in water. It gives a tri-benzoyl derivative C6H11O3N2(C6H5CO)3 m.p. 68–69°, and it is assigned the formula CH2. (NH2). CH2. CH2. CH(OH)CH2. (NH2). CO2H. It has been found after hydrolysis of fish gelatin, isinglass and three vegetable proteins of very diverse origin. It is absent from, or present only in very small traces in, the hydrolysis products of gelatin of mammalian origin, of casein, fibrin, and egg-white.-D. Keilin: On cytochrome: a respiratory pigment common to animals and yeast. Under names myohaematin and cytohsematin, McMunn described a respiratory pigment, here named cytochrome. Cytochrome, in reduced form, shows a very characteristic spectrum, with four bands (a, b, c, d), with positions of maximum intensity: a, 603; b, 565; c, 550; d, 523. In the oxidised form no absorption bands can be seen. In different concentrations cytochrome exists in tissues of all animals, e.g., worms, molluscs, arthropods and vertebrates. It is also present in cells of ordinary baker's yeast, a thin layer of which shows well the above four bands. The highest concentration of cytochrome is found in thoracic wing-muscles of insects, striated muscles of mammals, and yeast-cells. It yields various derivatives similar to hsemochromo-gen and its oxy- and CO-compounds, and porphyrin. Cytochrome may co-exist with other respiratory pigments, and may be considered an intracellular respiratory pigment, generally distributed, forming part of a complicated system of respiratory catalysts.