We present a multidisciplinary research aimed at quantifying the conditional probabilities for hazards associated with pyroclastic avalanches at Etna, which combines physical and numerical modeling of granular avalanches and probabilistic analysis. Pyroclastic avalanches are modeled using the depth-averaged model IMEX-SfloW2D, which is able to simulate the transient propagation and emplacement of granular flows generated by the collapse of a prescribed volume of granular material. Preliminary sensitivity analysis allowed us to identify the main controlling parameters of the dynamics, i.e. the total avalanche mass, the initial position of the collapsing granular mass (and the associated terrain morphology), the initial avalanche velocity, and the two rheological parameters which determine the mechanical properties of the flow. While the first two parameters can be considered as “scenario parameters” in the definition of the hazards, the initial velocity and the rheological parameters need to be calibrated. We therefore adopted a methodology for the statistical calibration of the physical model parameters based on field observations. We used data from the pyroclastic avalanche that occurred on February 10, 2022 at Etna, for which we had an accurate mapping of the deposit and some estimates of the total mass and the initial volume. We then run a preliminary ensemble of numerical simulations, with fixed initial volume and position, to calibrate the other input parameters. Based on the accuracy of the matching of the simulated and observed deposits (measured by the Jaccard Index), we extracted from the simulation ensemble a subsample of equally probable combinations of initial velocities and rheological parameters. We then built an ensemble of model input parameters, with varying (i) avalanche volumes, (ii) initial positions, (iii) velocity, and (iv) rheological coefficients. The initial volume range was chosen within the range of observed pyroclastic avalanches at Etna (i.e., between 0.1 and 3 × 106 m3), using a prescribed probability distribution extracted from the literature data. The initial positions have been chosen on the flanks of the South East Crater of Etna, with homogeneous spatial distribution. The initial velocity and the rheological coefficients were chosen from the subsample created with the calibration. Finally, a semi-automatic procedure (digital workflow) running the Monte Carlo simulation allowed us to produce the first probabilistic map of pyroclastic avalanche invasion at Etna. Such a map, conditional to the occurrence of a pyroclastic avalanche event, can be used to identify the hazardous areas of the volcano and to plan mitigation measures.
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