Among the pleasant days given over to the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the New York Botanical Garden, September twentieth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, will long be remembered. At about ten o'clock, members and guests of the Torrey Club, numbering fifty-two, left the New Jersey Central station in a special car, for the Pine Barrens of Toms River. The Fern Society was represented by Prof. R. A. Harper, Dr. John H. Barnhart, Mr. 0. A. Farwell, Miss Laura M. Bragg, of the Charleston Museum, Mrs. L. Keeler, and Miss I. H. Stebbins, of Rochester, who had been at the Hart's-Tongue hunt. To my regret, I did not meet our President, Mr. Bissell, who, I have since heard, had joined our party in the afternoon. Mr. Long also joined us at the station, which we reached at half past twelve. After our lunch at the Ocean House, we started on our sandy walk. There are many ponds, pools, and sphagnum bogs in this section. Before reaching the first bog, we saw Eupatorium hyssopifolium and E. verbenaefolium, Cassia nictitans, Arenaria squarrosa, Chrysopsis Mariana, and the rarer C. falcata. The exquisite wands of Blazing Star, Liatris graminifolia, var. dubia, made the places glow with color. It was said that Eupatorium resinosum was found. I did not see it, but have read that nowhere in the world, except in the pine barrens of New Jersey, is this plant found. Tufts of Hudsonia tomentosa and ericoides and the dainty Polygonella articulata grow here and there. The first bog, having been reached by this time, gave such treasures as late specimens of the branching white flowered Sabbatia, red root, Lachnanthes tinctoria, Cranberries, Pitcher plants, the three Sundews, the round leaved, spatulate and thread leaved, a tiny Xyris-but no Schizaea. On
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