Covalently functionalized carbon nanotubes support localized excitons with a discrete photoluminescence spectrum and single photon emission statistics [1,2]. The spectrum of hexyl-modified nanotubes features two distinct photoluminescence bands attributed to neutral and charged configurations of exciton-localizing sp3-defects [3]. Here we report correlations in photon emission events by the respective states of neutral and charged defect-trapped excitons, and explain the observations in the framework of different exciton manifolds that compete for the photogenerated population. [1] X. Ma, N. F. Hartmann, J. K. S. Baldwin, S. K. Doorn, and H. Htoon, Nat. Nanotechnol.10, 671 (2015).[2] X. He, N. F. Hartmann, X. Ma, Y. Kim, R. Ihly, J. L. Blackburn, W. Gao, J. Kono, Y. Yomogida, A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, H. Htoon, and S. K. Doorn, Nat. Photon. 11, 577 (2017).[3] H. Kwon, M. Kim, M. Nutz, N. F. Hartmann, V. Perrin, B. Meany, M. S. Hofmann, C. W. Clark, S. K. Doorn, A. Högele, and Y. Wang, submitted.
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