Surface modification of semiconductors with noble metals has been shown to effectively tune their photocatalytic activity. However, the photoinduced charge transfer processes at the metal/semiconductor interface and their impact on the concentration of surface-reaching photoexcited charges remain subjects of ongoing debate. In this study, we used time-resolved spectroscopy and kinetic analysis to investigate the behavior of surface-reaching photoholes in metal-loaded TiO2 nanoparticles. Our results reveal that the concentration of surface-reaching photoholes (Ch+(surf)) is highly dependent upon the type of metal and the resulting metal-oxide interface. Among the noble metals studied (Pt, Au, and Ag), Pt loading led to the most significant increase in Ch+(surf), with a nearly 3-fold enhancement compared to pristine TiO2. This enhancement was attributed to the generation of more abundant Ti3+ defects at the metal-oxide interface, which serve as hole trap states, thereby accelerating interfacial charge transfer, improving charge separation, and enriching Ch+(surf). These findings underscore the critical role of the metal-oxide interface in enhancing surface-reaching photoexcited charges, offering valuable insights for the design of advanced materials for solar energy conversion.
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