All-sky records of λ6300 A ̊ airglow intensity have been obtained at Hobart (geomagnetic latitude, 54°S) for the years 1968 and 1969. These observations cover geomagnetic latitudes 44°S to 64°S. A winter pre-dawn enhancement (P.D.E.) of about 50 R is observed for this line down to about 60°S. The commencement time of the phenomenon is usually inconsistent with the increase in production of photo-electrons at the magnetically conjugate point (M.C.P.). In addition ionospheric evidence points to an increase in the dissociative recombination of O 2 + as being a major cause of the enhancement. However, it is proposed that M.C.P. photo-electrons do play an important role in the P.D.E. but that the commencement of the P.D.E. is controlled by the morphology of the neutral atmosphere winds superposed on effects due to exospheric cooling.