This paper investigates the philosophical concept of wisdom, focusing on its distinction from knowledge and common sense. Drawing on Presocratic philosophers such as Anaxagoras and Empedocles, the paper argues that wisdom involves understanding the essence and regularity of things. It also explores whether wisdom originates from divine sources or within humans, contrasting views of Heraclitus and other philosophers who believed wisdom is divine and beyond human grasp, with the author's stance that wisdom is subjective and internal. Through Socrates' philosophy, the paper highlights wisdom's practical and ideological significance, emphasizing self-awareness and the pursuit of truth over material gain. Socrates' love of wisdom is portrayed as a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, rooted in recognizing one's own ignorance. The paper concludes by drawing parallels between Western and Eastern philosophies, specifically Taoist ideas, to illustrate the cyclical nature of life and death and the shared wisdom in embracing mortality.
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