Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS) is an emerging and growing technology for upcoming B5G and 6G wireless standards to design a perfect smart radio environment. In this article, we try to enhance the physical layer performance of the IRS- assist wireless communication system by taking some helpful performance metrics such as the outage probability (OP), average bit error rate (ABER), and average capacity of the system. Here, we assume our system is mainly affected by phase shift noise and quantization noise due to a discrete number of phase shifts of the IRS elements. The Alamouti STBC transmitter diversity technique is used to design the IRS-assist MISO wireless communication system to mitigate the effect of these kinds of noise, leading to the works’ novelty. We have derived a new and most accurate mathematical framework of PDF and MGF of the corresponding proposed IRS-assist wireless communication system with an end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Behind this statistical distribution, we expressed unique and more precise closed-form expressions of each performance metric under IRS assist SISO and MISO wireless link for the entire SNR region and it is significantly observed that the proposed MISO system provides better outcomes than the general SISO system. Furthermore, we calculate the diversity order of both configurations and it shows that the diversity order of the links is associated with the number of reflecting elements, phase noise error, and average magnitudes of the system. We also validated our analytical outcomes using Monte Carlo simulation results from MATLAB.
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