Numerical simulation of tracer injection is used in many situations for reservoir characterization. Traditionally, finite differences techniques have been used in this area. In this work, we present a new approach, based on the finite element method. It has a great capacity of treating complex domains and the ability to handle unstructured meshes. Dynamic grid refinement techniques are used in the traces simulation minimizing grid orientation and dispersion. INTRODUCTION This work presents a computational strategy for the development of a numerical simulator for two-dimensional inactive tracer injection in oil reservoirs. An h-adaptive semi-discrete finite element formulation is employed. Local refmement/derefmement in complex domains can be achieved with this procedure. The transport equation for the concentration is discretized by the streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin formulation^, considering a given velocity field. The water velocity field, that carries the tracer, is obtained by the finite element solution of the two-phase (water-oil) immiscible flow. A blockiterative scheme is used to solve the resulting finite element equations in time, combined with: element-by-element iterative techniques, a dynamic mesh partition algorithm, where the pressure equation is always implicit and the Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509 474 Offshore Engineering transport equation may be treated as implicit or explicit, and an adaptive time step control strategy. MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE IMMISCIBLE FLOW PROBLEM According to Chavent and Jaffre*, the flow in a porous medium O with boundary <%l of two immiscible incompressible fluids, in a time interval [0 x 7], can be described, neglecting gravity, by the set of partial differential equations
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