Imbalanced datasets pose pervasive challenges in numerous machine learning (ML) applications, notably in areas such as fraud detection, where fraudulent cases are vastly outnumbered by legitimate transactions. Conventional ML methods often grapple with such imbalances, resulting in models with suboptimal performance concerning the minority class. This study undertakes a thorough examination of strategies for optimizing supervised learning algorithms when confronted with imbalanced datasets, emphasizing resampling techniques. Initially, we explore multiple methodologies, encompassing Gaussian Naive Bayes, linear and quadratic discriminant analysis, K-nearest neighbors (K-NN), support vector machines (SVMs), decision trees, and multi-layer perceptron (MLP). We apply these on a four-class spiral dataset, a notoriously demanding non-linear classification problem, to gauge their effectiveness. Subsequently, we leverage the garnered insights for a real-world credit card fraud detection task on a public dataset, where we achieve a compelling accuracy of 99.937%. In this context, we compare and contrast the performances of undersampling, oversampling, and the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE). Our findings highlight the potency of resampling strategies in augmenting model performance on the minority class; in particular, oversampling techniques achieve the best performance, resulting in an accuracy of 99.928% with a significantly low number of false negatives (21/227,451).
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