Smog disaster in Sumatera and Kalimantan Island that came from forest and land burnings showed many interconnected factors. Governmental ideologies factor in development era (e.g. modernization, industrialization, and capitalization in order to increase economics development), lands problems as an impact of development ideologies, corruption, and prestige culture in society (e.g. consumerism, wealthy, succedness, and honor greediness) had participation in this disaster. From the perspective of ecofeminism, this ecological crisis came from an ideology named anthroposentrism, which also an androsentrism. Human interests that became priority in industrial society, especially men who held economics and politics power, was the cause of these ecological damages. The nature of patriarchal system is domination and exploitation who derived from hierarchal dualistic ideology become sources of ecological damage. In this context, economic development factor and life progress became main concern. Finally nature being grinded and became tools to achieve human interests (anthroposentrism). However, in this context women felt chaos very deeply. Women worked to produce family needs with nature. The damage of nature made women work harder. By seeing these conditions, we were invited by ecofeminism to do radical awareness transformation. This transformation was based on the understanding of our local wisdom.
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