LetGGbe a permutation group on a setΩ\Omegawith a transitive normal subgroupMM. ThenGGacts on the setOrbl(M,Ω)\mathrm {Orbl}(M,\Omega )of nontrivialMM-orbitals in the natural way, and here we are interested in the case whereOrbl(M,Ω)\mathrm {Orbl}(M,\Omega )has a partitionP\mathcal Psuch thatGGacts transitively onP\mathcal P. The problem of characterising such tuples(M,G,Ω,P)(M,G,\Omega ,\mathcal P), called TODs, arises naturally in permutation group theory, and also occurs in number theory and combinatorics. The case where|P||\mathcal P|is a prime-power is important in algebraic number theory in the study of arithmetically exceptional rational polynomials. The case where|P|=2|\mathcal P|=2exactly corresponds to self-complementary vertex-transitive graphs, while the general case corresponds to a type of isomorphic factorisation of complete graphs, called a homogeneous factorisation. Characterising homogeneous factorisations is an important problem in graph theory with applications to Ramsey theory. This paper develops a framework for the study of TODs, establishes some numerical relations between the parameters involved in TODs, gives some reduction results with respect to theGG-actions onΩ\Omegaand onP\mathcal P, and gives some construction methods for TODs.
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