In Romania, based on a complex plan elaborated during 1980-1990 were built over 600 SHP-Small Hydropower Plant to assure the power supply in isolated localities. After 30 years, less than 200 are still functional, mainly due to a lack of investments or improper utilization. Nowadays a permanent campaign concerning intensive use of renewable resources is implemented. Firstly is mentioned the economically favorable solution from the selected zone to achieve the photovoltaic power plant connected to an existent SHP, which needs to be rehabilitated. The paper presents such a pilot plant realized between 2015 and 2017, built near an SHP decommissioned in 1998. Firstly was implemented a wind turbine which starts immediately producing energy. After two months, the photovoltaic power plant was interconnected. The main steps of the hydropower plant rehabilitation are presented, beginning with the selection of the necessary parameters to establish the opportunity and the pilot station efficiency. The theoretical model and the physical realization in coupling these power plants based on three different energy resources are mentioned. Some obtained results for six months are illustrated. Finally, some of the appeared problems during the execution are mentioned, considering that similar projects in the other four sites will be developed.
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