In The Child's Conception of Number, Piaget and Szeminska (1952) describe various levels of young children's performances on seriation of linear objects. According to Piaget and Szeminska, operational seriation-referred to as Stage III behavior-is crucial and necessary in the development of concept of number, number being defined as a synthesis of class and asymmetrical (p. 184). It is further stated, Our hypothesis is that the construction of number goes hand in hand with the development of logic, and that pre-numerical period corresponds to the pre-logical level S.. logical and arithmetical operations therefore constitute single system ... the resulting from generalization and fusion of the first, under the complementary headings of inclusions of classes and seriation of relations, quality being disregarded (p. viii). An analysis of Stage III seriation behavior reveals that the subject possesses logical, systematic procedure using asymmetrical transitive relations (e.g., longer than, shorter than) that allows him to impose correct ordering on set of sticks, strings, or other linear objects. Piaget and Szeminska argue that asymmetrical transitive relations are also involved in the ordinal aspect of number. For example, in the act of counting set of objects, the child determines first object, second object, and so on, basing the enumeration on the relation comes before or precedes. Once counted, the objects in the set are