PURPOSE- To analyse various ocular diseases leading to permanent visual handicap in a district based on visual handicap certification issued by ophthalmologist at tertiary care center after verification of the domicile of the person. METHOD – This is a retrospective analysis of patients attending outpatient department of tertiary care center for visual handicap certification. It was done over the period of one year with total recruitment of 311 patients. All patients were examined for best corrected visual acuity according to Snellen’s chart, anterior and posterior segment examination. Ultrasonography and/or Optical Coherence Tomography and/or electroretinography / visual evoked potential was done in selected cases. After diagnosis, percentage of blindness was determined according to the categories of visual disability and blindness certificate was issued. RESULT- Maximum of the certified visually disabled individuals are of 21- 30 years (73 patients, 23.47%). 212 patients were males and 99 were females. Visual disability of 100% was seen in 258 cases. Retinitis Pigmentosa was the most common cause seen in 67(21.54%) cases. Other major causes include congenital ocular malformation(16.40%) optic atrophy(13.83%), phthisis bulbi (8.68%), corneal opacities(8.36%), glaucoma(6.75%). CONCLUSION- The burden of the blindness can be decreased by public educationand genetic counselling regarding common and preventable causes of blindness, as early diagnosis, treatment and visual rehabilitation can help to improve visual outcome and ultimately visual handicap in the society for the better future.
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