The experiment was conducted in the East Gojjam Zone of the Amhara Regional State to evaluate the varieties of released Napier grass in the study area. The four varieties of Napier grass considered for this research experiment were Maralfalafa, ILRI- 16743, ILRI-14984 and Zehone-03 (Acc. 16819). The varieties were planted in 4 m x 3 m plots using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the beginning of the main rainy season. Root splits at the Debremarkos onstation and Debere Eliyas sites were planted in four rows per plot. The analysis was conducted using R software. Least significance difference (LSD) at the 5% significance level was used for the comparison of means. The combined plant height, number of tillers per plant, total fresh biomass yield per hectare (t/ha), and total dry matter yield (t/ha) did not significantly differ between the varieties. The leaf-to-stem ratios of the Napier grass varieties were significantly different. In the present study, ILRI-14984 was found to be leafier than the other tested varieties. The combined analysis of the second- and third-year data revealed significant differences in plant height, number of tillers and leaf-to-stem ratio among the tested years. The greatest plant height (152.42 cm) at harvest was found in the second year after establishment, which was 2022, whereas the number of tillers per plant was greater in the 2023 harvest season. The testing location did not affect plant height, total fresh biomass yield per hectare, or total dry matter yield per hectare. The number of tillers per plant and the leaf-to-stem ratio significantly differed among the tested locations. A greater number of tillers per plant was recorded at the Debre Eliyas testing site. Similarly, the leaf-to-stem ratio was significantly greater at the same testing site.