Onion is one of the important vegetable and spice commodity crop which has yearlong demand but seasonal in production. Onion de-topping (i.e., separation of matured leaves from bulbs) is the important post-harvest operation in onion production which conducted after curing process of onion bulbs. In India onion de-topping done mostly manually in farms using sickle, khurpi and knife. Manually onion de-topping of onion bulbs is time consuming and labour-intensive operation. Availability of labours are difficult in peak harvesting season of onion; therefore, farmers may incur financial and crop loss. Mechanical onion de-topping done using onion harvesters during digging operation of onion bulbs. There are many onion de-topping machines are available for onion bulbs with different mechanism. The different onion de-topping machine were studied in terms of their mechanism, construction, working principles, performance and efficiency. The comparison of performance of the machines with manual onion de-topping was studied over the cutting capacity, efficiency, damage percentage, saving of labour cost and time. This paper reviews such onion de-topping harvesters and de-topping machines. It highlights the mechanism used for de-topping in these machines with their performance in terms of de-topping capacity and de-topping efficiency. It also tries to highlight the necessity of requirement of de-topping machines and current status of adoption of such machines by farmers in India. It was observed that number of onion de-topping machines are available though it is difficult to adopt by the farmers specially medium and low land holding farmers because of cost concern. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the machine which should be low cost, efficient and labour saving for such farmers. Using such an onion de-topping machines will help to save their labour cost, operational time, drudgery of labour and increase efficiency of labour. Also adopting such technologies can encourage the farmers to increase the production of such crop.
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