War is the biggest enemy of humankind. None of the catastrophescan inflict more damage on humanity than does the war. Althoughwar is condemned by the UN law, there are no strategicmechanisms to prevents its occurrence over time. The given articledoes not concentrate on any concrete war. Its main goal is todiscuss the issue of preventing war. Why do states go for war?What are the reasons of war? How strong is the mechanism ofpeaceful solution? Where is the line between just and unjust war?Is today the world peace possible? How secure is the worldtoday? The given article condemns all forms of war, however itadmits that war is still inevitable in some instances and thus itconcentrates of the humanitarian law- what was achieved, whatis its current state and what may be done in the future in this respect.In a world where the great powers control everything, thefactor of brute force still is on the agenda. The given article discussesthe potential of the humanitarian law as a means of peacefulresolution of conflicts in future. In the process of writing thearticle, our country came face to face before the brutalities of war.So it would be impossible to avoid discussing this episode as well.Although fully unbiased evaluation of this event will requiresome time, the article will try to cover main facts and discuss therole international relations and more specifically the humanitarianlaw played in the 5-day war between Russia and Georgia (August2008).