The early reprogramming events following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) determine the fate of the cloned embryo and its development to a healthy viable offspring. In the present study, we undertook a detailed immunocytochemical study of the patterns of both microtubules and chromatin during the first cell cycle of sheep nuclear transfer embryos after fusion and artificial activation using either 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) or cycloheximede (CHX). Sheep oocytes were collected from abattoir ovaries and matured in vitro for 18-20 h and enucleated; fetal fibroblasts were transplanted using standard SCNT techniques. Reconstructed cell-cytoplast couplets were fused and activated with ionomycin, followed by culture in two separate groups containing 6-DMAP (2 mM) or CHX (10 �g/mL) for 3 h. Following activation, embryos were cultured in in vitro culture (IVC) medium for blastocyst development. Embryos (n = 15, 3 replicates) were randomly removed from culture at various time points and stained using standard immunocytochemical methods to observe microtubule and nuclear configurations. Images were captured using laser scanning confocal microscopy. Results reveled that at 1 h post-fusion, 63.3% of reconstructed embryos underwent nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) and premature chromosome condensation (PCC) was apparent as chromosomes were situated on a non-polar spindle. The remaining embryos showed abnormal spindle and DNA configurations including chromosome outliers, congression failure, and non-NEBD. At 1 h post-activation (hpa), the embryos treated with 6-DMAP had already formed a clearly visible pronucleus (diameter 6-8 �m), whereas in the CHX-treated group, none of the embryos were at pronuclear stage; instead most of the latter embryos showed two masses of chromatin. At 1 hpa, 6-DMAP- and CHX-treated embryos showed one swelled pronucleus with a mean diameter of 8.4 � 1.3 �m and 25.8 � 0.8 �m, respectively (P < 0.05). At 16 hpa, embryos from both treatment groups still showed one swelled pronucleus. In the 6-DMAP-treated embryos, most of the embryos showed a metaphase spindle with aligned chromosomes of the first mitotic division as early as 18-10 hpa, whereas in the CHX-treated group embryos were still at the pronuclear stage. Typical 2-cell division was seen in most of the 6-DMAP-treated embryos between 24 and 30 hpa, but it was slightly delayed in CHX-treated embryos (32-35 hpa). Blastocyst development rates in the 6-DMAP- and CHX-treated groups were 21.4 � 5.6% and 14.0 � 6.3%, respectively (P < 0.05). In summary, artificial activating agents 6-DMAP and CHX exhibited different effects on chromatin remodeling, cell cycle progression, and the degree of pronuclear swelling which may explain the poor developmental rates and abnormal chromosome complements observed for cloned embryos. This work was funded by NSERC, OMAF, and International Council for Canadian Studies.
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