ABSTRACT In this work, a novel framework for non-destructive, non-intrusive and completely automatic concealed weapon detection under human clothing for entry control and security check applications using passive terahertz (THz) images has been given. The technique models the problem of concealed weapon detection as that of binary segmentation, where the pixels corresponding to concealed weapons are foreground while the remaining are background. The core idea of the proposed framework is to first oversegment the THz image into superpixels and subsequently multiple handcrafted features are extracted from each superpixel. Finally, a machine learning-based classifier is used to perform binary classification thereby classifying each superpixel as foreground or background such that each pixel in a foreground superpixel is a foreground pixel and vice-versa for background. It is worth mentioning that this technique does not require a perfect segmentation to extract features from, rather an oversegmentation suffices. Furthermore, both global features like those based on image saliency and local features like those based on intensity are extracted considering the image properties. The detailed experiments and comparative analysis confirm that the proposed technique efficiently detects concealed weapons, exhibiting superior performance compared to state-of-the-art binary segmentation methods for the purpose.