Collective properties of206Pb,207Pb,208Pb and209Bi have been investigated with gamma-ray spectroscopy using electromagnetic excitation by208Pb projectiles. By measuring the absolute yields of the de-excitation γ-rays,B(E3) values for the 1-phonon octupole vibrational states were obtained. While the present data for208Pb and209Bi are consistent with earlier publications, much smaller values have been found for206Pb and207Pb. Only for the doubly magic nucleus208Pb one observes the largest octupole collectivity of 34Weisskopf units (W.u.), which is reduced to 60–70% by the particle-vibration coupling in nuclei which consist of the208Pb core plus (or minus) a few nucleons. As a consequence of the phonon vibration character of the 3- state, one expects a quadruplet of 2-phonon octupole states with spins and parities 0+, 2+, 4+ and 6+ at about twice the energy of the 1-phonon state, i.e. around 5.23 MeV. A first scattering experiment suggesting the observation of at least one member of the 2-phonon multiplet was performed via the reaction208Pb+208Pb at an incident energy well above the Coulomb barrier. In the present experiment the system208Pb+208Pb has been reinvestigated via Coulomb excitation at a safe bombarding energy of 5.0 MeV/u. The reduced cross-section for the excitation of the octupole states has been compensated by the higher full energy efficiency of five EUROBALL CLUSTER detectors. With the present experimental set-up transition probabilities down to 10-5 -10-6 can be measured.