DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES IN INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD, 2nd Ed., Vol. 1: NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. Vol. 2: THE SPECTRUM OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES. Edited by Capute AJ, Accardo PJ. Baltimore, MD, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 1996, hardcover, Vol. 1, 656pp. Vol. 2, 560pp. index, illus, Vol. 1 $115, Vol. 2 $100, or $195 for both volumes. Reviewed by Sheila StratmanHANDBOOK OF PEDIATRIC PHYSICAL THERAPY. By Long TM, Cintas HL. Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins, 1995, paper, 291 pp, index, illus, $27.00. Reviewed by Linda Kahn-D 'AngeloTAKING CHARGE OF ADHD: THE COMPLETE, AUTHORITATIVE GUIDE FOR PARENTS. By Barkley RA. New York, NY, Guilford Press, 1995, paper, 294 pp, index, $16.95. Reviewed by Melissa R. JohnsonDISABLED CHILDREN AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Edited by Zinkin P, McConachie H. London, MacKeith Press, 1995, cloth, 238 pp, index, $59.95. Reviewed by Joyce W. SparlingEARLY INTERVENTION: IMPLEMENTING CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS WHO ARE AT RISK OR DISABLED, 2nd Ed. By Hanson MJ, Lynch EW. Austin, TX, PRO-ED, Inc., 1995, paper, 394 pp, bibliographical references, illustrations, appendices and index, $36.00. Reviewed by James M. GleasonAGES AND STAGES QUESTIONNAIRES (ASQ): A PARENT-COMPLETED, CHILD-MONITORING SYSTEM. By Squires J, Potter L, Bricker D. Baltimore, MD, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co, 1995, paper, 156pp, index, illus, diagrams, $135.00 (complete system: master set of 11 questionnaires which may be reproduced, scoring sheets for each age level, ASQ User's Guide) in English or Spanish; $40.00 (video tape describing use on home visit); $115.00 (master set of 11 reproducible questionnaires and scoring sheets) in English or Spanish; $40.00 (ASQ User's guide). Reviewed by Cathee J. HuberMAKING IT EASY: SENSORIMOTOR ACTIVITIES AT HOME AND SCHOOL. By Haldy M, Haack L. Tucson, AZ, Therapy Skill Builders, 1995, paper, 174pp, $39.00. Reviewed by Carrie GajdosikACHIEVING LEARNING GOALS THROUGH PLAY. By Widerstrom AH. Tucson, AZ, Communication Skill Builders, 1995, paperback, 244 pp, illus, $39.00. Reviewed by Laura J. HoganACTIVITY-BASED INTERVENTION GUIDE WITH MORE THAN 250 MULTISENSORY PLAY IDEAS. By Coling MC, Garrett JN. Tucson, AZ, Therapy Skill Builders, 1995, paper, 334 pp, appendix, $55.00. Reviewed by Tracey Uditsky.VISTA, VERMONT INTERDEPENDENT SERVICES TEAM APPROACH, A GUIDE TO COORDINATING EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. By Giangre-co ME Baltimore, MD, Brookes Publishing Co., 1996, 8.5X 11, spiral bound, 176pp, index, forms, $26.00. Reviewed by Jodie Redditi Hanzlik.SCHOOL HARDENING: SENSORY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR CLASS AND HOME. By Tupper LC, Klosterman Miesner KE. Tucson, AZ, Therapy Skill Builders, 1995, paperback, 110pp, illus, $29.00. Reviewed by Colleen M. Schneck.
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