organisms (it is estimated that more than two-thirds of human multiexon genes undergo alternative splicing) as well as the large number of RNA-binding domain proteins and other potential trans-acting factors that currently lack assigned functions, we anticipate the list of important splicing regulators to greatly expand in the next several years. Abbreviations Protein domains: C2HC Znf, CCHC zinc finger domain; C3H1 Znf, CCCH zinc finger domain; G Patch, glycine-rich nucleic binding domain; HEAT, HEAT repeats; GY, glycineand tyrosine-rich domain; GYR, glycine-, tyrosine-, and arginine-rich domain; KH, RNA-binding domain; PWI, PWI nucleic acid-binding domain; RGG, RGG box: arginineglycine-glycine repeats; RRM, RNA recognition motif; RS, arginine-serine repeats-containing domain; SWAP, RNA-binding domain derived from the Drosophila Suppressorof-White-APricot splicing regulator; SRGY, motif enriched in serine, arginine, glycine, and tyrosine. Binding sites: […], spacer sequence of 1 to 20 nucleotides; n, motif repetitions; ND, not determined; R, purine; Y, pyrimidine. Mouse phenotypes and disease associations: −/−, homozygous knockout; −/+, heterozygous knockout; CNS, central nervous system; Cond. KO, conditional knockout; BD, Becker muscular dystrophy; DD, Duchenne muscular dystrophy; LS, Leigh’s syndrome; MD, Myotonic dystrophy; PE, Paraneoplastic Encephalomyelitis; PNS, peripheral nervous system, POMA, Paraneoplastic Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Ataxia; RA, retinoic acid; SCZ, Schizophrenia. Mouse tissues: Amy, amygdala; Ceb, cerebellum; Hip, hippocampus; Hyp, hypothalamus; OB, olfactory bulb; SC, spinal cord; BM, bone marrow; Bo, bone; Ht, heart; SM, skeletal muscle; Epd, epidermis; Kd, kidney; Liv, liver; Lu, lung; Pan, pancreas; Pla, placenta; Pro, prostate; Sto, stomach; Spl, spleen; Thy, thymus; Thd, thyroid; Te, testis; Ut, uterus; Ov, ovary; E3.5, embryo day 3.5; E6.5, embryo day 6.5; E8.5, embryo day 8.5; E10.5, embryo day 10.5. Data Analysis The mouse mRNA expression profiles were generated using the TreeView v1.60 program and microarray data from the study of Su et al. (2002). The color scale indicates signal intensity over the mean intensity value for the 28 tissues shown. The mean-subtracted intensity values range from −606.9 to +7680.7.
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