We analyze the production of Higgs particles at the early stage of the CERN large Hadron Collider with a 7 TeV center of mass energy (lHC). We first consider the case of the Standard Model Higgs boson that is mainly produced in the gluon-gluon fusion channel and to be detected in its decays into electroweak gauge bosons, $gg\to H \to WW,ZZ,\gamma\gamma$. The production cross sections at $\sqrt s=7$ TeV and the decay branching ratios, including all relevant higher order QCD and electroweak corrections, are evaluated. An emphasis is put on the various theoretical uncertainties that affect the production rates: the significant uncertainties from scale variation and from the parametrization of the parton distribution functions as well as the uncertainties which arise due to the use of an effective field theory in the calculation of the next-to-next-to-leading order corrections. The parametric uncertainties stemming from the values of the strong coupling constant and the heavy quark masses in the Higgs decay branching ratios, which turn out to be non-negligible, are also discussed. The implications for different center of mass energies of the proton collider, $\sqrt s=8$-10 TeV as well as for the design energy $\sqrt s= 14$ TeV, are briefly summarized. We then discuss the production of the neutral Higgs particles of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model in the two main channels: gluon-gluon and bottom quark fusion leading to Higgs bosons which subsequently decay into tau lepton or $b$-quark pairs, $gg, b\bar b \to {\rm Higgs} \to \tau^+\tau^-,b\bar b$. The Higgs production cross sections at the $\lhc$ and the decay branching ratios are analyzed. The associated theoretical uncertainties are found to be rather large and will have a significant impact on the parameter space of the model that can be probed.
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