This paper reports viscous compressible aerodynamics analysis of two-dimensional cascades (arrays of aerofoils). The study elucidates the effect of cascade parameters such as solidity, σ and angle of attack, α, on the interference between blades. Understanding the interference behaviour is important in the performance analysis of air turbines such as Wells turbine commonly used in oscillating water column (OWC) - wave energy converter (WEC) system. The present analysis shows that isolated two-dimensional lift coefficient modified by interference factors, ko, based on inviscid flow theory is acceptable for low solidity cascades, i.e. σ ≤ 0.5, and that stall occurs at lower angle of attack in cascade compared to isolated aerofoil. When σ > 0.5, ko is shown to depend on both α and σ especially in the post-stall flow. The result suggests that interference factors that is applicable for wide range of flow conditions as in Wells turbines should also include the α effect in the modifier.
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