Abstract Rationale Left ventricular systolic function parameters have considerable prognostic importance, but demand for echocardiographic examinations is greater than supply. The market availability of handheld echographs provides greater access to low-cost summary echocardiographic evaluation. Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to compare in a double-blind manner the binary concordance ( yes/no) of an examination done with a handheld ultrasound and a standard echocardiographic examination on four parameters referred to the left ventricle ( LV) on the same patient 4 days apart. Method Thirteen volunteer cardiologists who had performed at least 1000 echocardiograms blindly performed on patients not known to them an evaluation with a handheld ultrasound machine and reported the result on a card stating the presence or absence in an eye-based manner of 4 conditions: LV dilatation, reduced LV systolic function ( left ventricular ejection fraction LVEF< 55%), presence of left ventricular segmental kinetics alterations. The two echocardiographic examinations were performed at a maximum time interval of two days and in the absence of any new procedures on the patient between the two examinations. The time taken for each examination was timed. A statistical analysis with Choen’s Kappa test was performed. Results A total of 107 examinations were performed on 86 patients, whose characteristics are shown in Table Number 1. The average number of examinations per cardiologist was 8.9 with a minimum of 5 examinations and a maximum of 10. There was excellent concordance on the VS dilatation parameter ( kappa 0.85, SE 0.05, 95% CI 0.77 to 0.99), with a number of 4 false positives and 0 false negatives; the ability to detect the presence of reduced global left ventricular systolic function was also excellent ( kappa 0.9 SE 0.04 95% CI 0.82 to 0.99). Concerning left ventricular hypertrophy there was a high percentage ( 22%9 of false negatives), referring to mild degree of LV hypertrophy, with concordance however ( kappa 0.42 SE 0.08 CI 95% 0.26 to 0.59); on segmental kinetics there was 9% false positives and no false negatives with fair concordance ( kappa 0.55 SE 0.09 95% CI 0.37 to 0.73). Results are summarized in table 2. Conclusions Qualitative assessment on left ventricular systolic function parameters with a handheld ultrasound machine compared with a standard echocardiographic examination is reliable for the recognition of left ventricular dilatation and dysfunction. This may have considerable use of the examination as a filter or screening for the recognition of relevant heart disease.
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