Cloud computing as the modern technology that generates, processing, storing, and sharing of medical data has evolved significantly. The health industry has made a lot of progress in transforming its data management activities, from regular storage to the digitalization of health care data. Cloud computing impacting based on lowering of costs, availability of resources, and power. moreover patient has the right or ownership of data in-the-cloud virtualization technology. Keeping the data of the patient in the cloud also facilitates interoperability between the various sectors of the health-care sector-pharmacy, insurance, and payments. Cloud offers virtual hardware, runtime settings, and facilities for those with a credit card. Cloud infrastructure has become a common term for reference to various devices, resources, and concepts. The proposed framework provides a simulated migration approach that is complex and energy-intensive. By activating idle physical machinery mode, this mechanism reduces the power to conserve electricity. This study suggests a modern cloud-based Health care services paradigm for optimizing VM migration utilizing Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization (PPSO). To measure the performance of our VMs model, a new model for health care service is also provided. The findings reveal that, in the overall deployment period, the new model approaches 60% of the state-of-the-art implementations. Furthermore, device performance is increased by 6.2% for demanded data in real-time. Furthermore, the accuracy of the smart hybrid model of resource utilization is 96.8%. In all associated activities, the suggested model is 67% better than other referred versions.