HomeRadiologyVol. 68, No. 5 PreviousNext Announcements and Book Reviews - Book ReviewsMedizinische Röntgentechnik. Lehrbuch für medizinisch-technische Assistentinnen, ÄArzte und Studierende, in zwei Teilen. Medizinischer Teil: Skelettaufnahmen und OrganuntersuchungenPublished Online:May 1 1957https://doi.org/10.1148/68.5.744cMoreSectionsPDF ToolsImage ViewerAdd to favoritesCiteTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked In AbstractBy Prof. Dr. Herbert Schoen, Karlsruhe, with the assistance of Dr. Detlev Schoen, Marburg/Lahn. A volume of 348 pages, with 537 illustrations. Published by Georg Thieme, Stuttgart. Second enlarged edition, 1956. Distributed in the United States and Canada by the Intercontinental Medical Book Corp., New York 16, N. Y. Price DM 29.70— ($7.00).This text on radiographic technic and positioning is the second edition of a handbook which has been found most usable in the x-ray laboratories of Europe. The descriptive matter is brief and precise, and is closely tied in with the illustrations, to which it is conveniently contiguous. The illustrations themselves are chiefly photographs arranged in triads consisting of a surface picture, a reproduction of a skeletal facsimile, and a roentgenogram. In most of the roentgenograms the bone appears white to correspond to the usual appearance on the viewing box.Only conventional views are considered, no verbiage being wasted on the one-shot-a-year procedures. The author's personal contribution to roentgen technic, the Schoen bridge, is frequently suggested as an accessory to positioning. This radiolucent wedge is well known for its usefulness.Following the principal portion of the book, which is on the skeleton, appear sections on arthrography, venography, arteriography, fluoroscopy of the lungs, examination of the gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract studies. The methods of Martius, Guthmann, Caldwell-Moloy, and Thorns are included in the section on pelvimetry, but no mention is made of William Snow. The concluding pages deal with myelography, encephalography, and foreign-body localization.Article HistoryPublished in print: May 1957 FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsRecommended Articles RSNA Education Exhibits RSNA Case Collection Vol. 68, No. 5 Metrics Altmetric Score PDF download
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