The Cox protein of the coliphage P2 is multifunctional; it acts as a transcriptional repressor of the Pc promoter, as a transcriptional activator of the P LL promoter of satellite phage P4, and as a directionality factor for site-specific recombination. The Cox proteins constitute a unique group of directionality factors since they couple the developmental switch with the integration or excision of the phage genome. In this work, the DNA binding characteristics of the Cox protein of WΦ, a P2-related phage, are compared with those of P2 Cox. P2 Cox has been shown to recognize a 9 bp sequence, repeated at least 6 times in different targets. In contrast to P2 Cox, WΦ Cox binds with a strong affinity to the early control region that contains an imperfect direct repeat of 12 nucleotides. The removal of one of the repeats has drastic effects on the capacity of WΦ to bind to the Pe-Pc region. Again in contrast to P2 Cox, WΦ Cox has a lower affinity to attP compared to the Pe-Pc region, and a repeat of 9 bp can be found that has 5 bp in common with the repeat in the Pe-Pc region. WΦ Cox, however, is essential for excisive recombination in vitro. WΦ Cox, like P2 Cox, binds cooperatively with integrase to attP. Both Cox proteins induce a strong bend in their DNA targets upon binding.
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