The identity operator on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space shows that neither the projective nor the injective tensor product of two weakly compact operators will be weakly compact in general; see Holub, [H1, Remark, p. 10]. There are, however, conditions ensuring this. Along the studies of Diestel and Faires, [DF], and Saksman and Tylli, [ST], we will add some more. Proposition 1, due to Saksman and Tylli, deals with the tensor product of a compact and a weakly compact operator. Answering a question of theirs, we consider in Proposition 2 the tensor product of two weakly compact operators on spaces with the Dunford-Pettis property. Having treated the case of absolutely p-summing operators in Proposition 3, we show in Proposition 4 that the injective tensor product of two weakly compact operators on Pisier spaces is weakly compact. Our results concern only the projective and the injective tensor product. For the elementary properties of weakly compact operators to be used here we refer to [DS, VI. 4, p. 482-5].
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