Abstract. In this paper, we investigate p-biharmonic maps u : (M,g) →(N,h) from a Riemannian manifold into a Riemannian manifold with non-positive sectional curvature. We obtain that ifR M |τ(u)| a+p dv g < ∞ andR M |d(u)| 2 dv g < ∞, then u is harmonic, where a ≥ 0 is a nonnegativeconstant and p ≥ 2. We also obtain that any weakly convex p-biharmonichypersurfaces in space formN(c) with c ≤ 0 is minimal. These results giveaffirmative partial answer to Conjecture 2 (generalized Chen’s conjecturefor p-biharmonic submanifolds). 1. IntroductionHarmonic maps play a central roll in geometry. They are critical pointsof the energy E(u) =R M|du| 2 2 dv g for smooth maps between manifolds u :(M,g) → (N,h) and the Euler-Lagrange equation is that tension field τ(u)vanishes. Extensions to the notions of p-harmonic maps, F-harmonic mapsand f-harmonic maps were introduced and many results have been carried out(for instance, see [1, 2, 3, 8, 23]). In 1983, J. Eells and L. Lemaire [10] proposedthe problem to consider the biharmonic maps: they are critical maps of thefunctionalE
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