Goethite often harbors impurities, such as phosphorus (P) and aluminum (Al), which are incorporated into its structure through direct substitution or coprecipitation with nanocrystalline phases. Understanding the processes that drive the release of P and Al from goethite is of paramount importance for the iron ore industry and for managing nutrient and pollutant behavior in the environment. This study investigates the impact of Fe(II)-catalyzed recrystallization on the release of P and Al from goethite. We evaluated the solubility and extractability of P and Al in suspensions of Al- and P-coprecipitated goethite, treated with 57Fe-enriched Fe(II)aq under oxygen-free conditions for 30 days at neutral pH and room temperatures. The addition of Fe(II)aq induced the recrystallization of goethite dominant initial synthetic phases (i.e., low P- and Al-containing phases) and the transformation of higher P- and/or Al-bearing starting material that was actually a mixture of goethite and minor amounts of lepidocrocite and feroxyhyte. Our results reveal that Fe(II)-catalyzed mineral and structural evolution led to the repartitioning of P and, to a lesser extent, Al throughout the crystal structure, mineral surface, and aqueous solution. Following a 30 day reaction with Fe(II)aq, we extracted approximately 80, 68.8, 73.9, and 83.2% of P from P-only, low, medium, and high P + Al goethite, respectively. Additionally, we observed total Al removals of approximately 17, 27, and 25% from low, medium, and high P + Al goethite, respectively. The results demonstrate that treating both P-only and P + Al goethite with Fe(II) at room temperature, followed by a 24 h extraction using 1 M NaOH, significantly enhances the overall extractability of P and Al, including both aqueous and surface-adsorbed fractions, compared to Fe(II)-free controls. These findings advance our understanding of the recrystallization process and impurity substitution in goethite, offering promising avenues for developing new environmentally friendly methods to extract P and other impurities from goethitic iron ores at lower temperatures.