Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF SIMS) has been applied in conjunction with isotope enrichment to investigate the chemical composition of the surface species of poly(acrylonitrile)-based carbon fibers, which were electrolytically oxidized in dilute hydrochloric acid solution in water with 17O/18O enrichment. The technique provides a tool with greater specificity and sensitivity to elemental species than X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), in which the effects of the presence of the heavier isotopes on the modification to surface chemistry cannot be detected. Peaks associated with oxygen-containing functionalities, for example, m/z = 16 (O-), 17 (17O-, OH-), 18 (18O-,17OH-), and 19 (18OH-) were identified in negative ToF SIMS spectra of carbon fibers treated in isotope enriched solution. Only m/z = 16 (O-), 17 (17O-, OH-) were identified on carbon fiber surfaces treated in normal water. The concentrations of these surface species all showed an increasing trend with the level of treat...
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