The article was sanctified to research of international experience of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product. On the achievements of foreign experience of realization of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product was accented. The prospects of implementation of partial conditions of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product from the European countries to realities of national economics of Ukraine were circumscribe. Analysis of evolution of product's of attribute of appropriation of intellectual product and specific of its deployment in the conditions of the Ancient World and in the epoch of European middle Ages was conducted. Significant differences in the evolution of such attribute of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product in the European countries in New and Newest times were shown. To research of specific of exteriorization of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product in Germany was spared the special attention. Were found out the stages of fixing and legitimating of intellectual product, namely: symbol (to V of century), privileged (from V to ХVІІІ of century), legal (from ХVІІІ to ХІХ of century), sign-symbol (from the end ХІХ of century). On the exert of appropriation mainly not own the created legitimate informatively-digital intellectual product in the conditions of strengthening of tendency of transformation of large ownership in the largest at the Germany was accented. The functional of appropriation not own the created legitimate informatively-digital intellectual product was detected and formalized in the system of equalizations. The stimulus of the extended reproduction of actors of appropriation not own the created legitimate informatively-digital intellectual product were severed in next parts: the state-private partnership for subsidies to tuitions of skilled specialists, research-and-developments (in the cluster of creators); protecting of national inventions from the "unwanted copy" (in the cluster of producers); government stimulation by the subsidies of research-and-developments, and also structuring of relations between a bank and industry (in the cluster of mediators-entrepreneurs). Further researches must be directed on the search of prospects of implementation of partial conditions of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product from the European countries to realities of national economics of Ukraine. Practical importance of the paper was represented in an availability for government regulation of use of international experience of development of local types of industrial activity in Ukraine, and also them scientific accompaniment.