A considerable part of damages of biopolymers incells, occurring under exposure to ionizing radiation,are due to short-lived radicals produced as a result ofwater radiolysis [1]. EPR spectroscopic studies showedthat exposure to ionizing radiation leads to generationof long-lived protein radicals in protein solutions andcells [2–11]. The half-life of these radicals reaches 20[2] and more hours [11]. The occurrence of long-livedradicals was demonstrated in model systems for someproteins, such as egg albumin [3, 5, 6], bovine serumalbumin [7, 12], human serum albumin [9], lysozyme[12], immunoglobulin G [9], and histone H1 [10].Long-lived radicals are formed under exposure togamma- [3–6, 10, 11], X-ray [2], and ultraviolet radia-tion [8], as well as in the presence of peroxynitrite [9]and the products of hydrogen peroxide decompositionby immobilized peroxidase [7]. The formation of suchradicals was detected in human blood plasma proteins[9]; human [2] and hamster [5] embryonic cells; Droso-phila germ cells; and in root, seed, and leaf cells of gar-den radish and Arabidopsis [4].It was established that the long-lived protein radi-cals may be the sources of generation of reactive oxy-gen species and long-term oxidative stress in biologicalsystems [7] and function as messengers transmittingoxidative damages to other molecules, including DNA[10]. An exposure of histone H1 to gamma-radiationyields radicals that are involved in the formation ofDNA–protein crosslinks and oxidative damage of basesin DNA, producing the mutagenic product 8-oxogua-nine [10]. It was shown that the long-lived protein rad-icals induce mutations and lead to cell transformation[2, 3]. However, normally these radicals are producedin small quantities in living animal and plant cells [4].The long-lived protein radicals can be immediatelyrecorded using ESR spectroscopy; however, a low sen-sitivity of this method makes it possible to detect theformation of such radicals only at very high radiationdoses (1–5 kGy) [3, 5, 6, 10, 11]. Another effective andsensitive method to detect free-radical reactions ischemiluminescence, when interaction of radicals yieldsenergy emitted in the form of light quanta [1]. In thiswork, we detected and studied long-lived protein radi-cals by measuring the intrinsic chemiluminescence ofprotein solutions induced by X-ray radiation using ahigh-sensitivity Biotoks-7A chemiluminometer (Rus-sia). Measurements were performed in 20-ml plasticpolypropylene vials for a liquid scintillation counter(Beckman, United States). The use of larger volumesfor measuring chemiluminescence compared to theconventionally used volumes (at most 0.1 ml) allowedus to significantly (more than 200 times) increase thesensitivity of this method and to detect the formation ofprotein radicals at doses of several Gy. To study chemi-luminescence, we used solutions of ovalbumin (Rea-Khim, Russia) prepared in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer(pH 8.0). The samples were irradiated using a RUT-15therapeutic X-ray device (Russia) under the followingconditions: voltage, 200 kV; amperage, 20 mA; focusdistance, 37.5 cm. Samples containing unirradiatedprotein and protein-free irradiated samples were usedas controls. The dependence of chemiluminescenceintensity on ovalbumin concentration was bell-shaped;the maximum chemiluminescence intensity (irradiationdose, 7 Gy) was detected for 0.5% ovalbumin. This pro-tein concentration was used in further experiments.To rule out the effect of light quanta as a result ofrecombination of radical occurring upon decomposi-tion of hydrogen peroxide and other possible productsformed in the buffer, the chemiluminescence intensitywas measured 1 h after irradiation. During this time,samples were kept at room temperature in the dark.Because water radiolysis yields hydrogen peroxide,which has a long half-life, we studied the possibility ofinfluence of hydrogen peroxide on the chemilumines-cence yield in irradiated protein solution. We found that