A new method of mode spectrum measurement in planar waveguides is presented. The described end-flre mode spectroscopy technique exploits the difierence of refraction angles of difierent modes skew-incident to the output face of the waveguide. This method provide re- liable measurements of the whole mode spectra in any planar waveguides including step-index waveguides with thick cover layers and deep-buried graded-index waveguide structures. Further- more, the technique allows conducting direct measurements of the maximal refractive index in arbitrary graded-index waveguides as well. Results of the comparative experiments performed by the end-flre mode spectroscopy and other techniques prove a feasibility of the developed method. Parameters of the optical waveguide (WG) deflne the operating performances of the whole photonic device. In order to optimize these parameters, appropriate technology conditions should be chosen. Necessary works include preliminary computer simulation of the process, fabrication of trial samples and their examination. Important part of examination of a planar optical WG is measurement of the WG mode spec- trum. Usually this procedure is performed by well-known m-line spectroscopy technique (e.g., see (1,2)). However, in cases of planar WG structures with thick cover layers or so-called buried graded-index WGs this method does not provide reliable measurements. Thick cover layers or large burying depths do not allow tunneling the modes to the external prism and forming the correspond- ing spatial m-lines. In these cases, some modes (flrst of all, the lower-order modes) may be simply missed in examinations by m-line spectroscopy (3,4). The greater the burying depth the fewer number of modes can be measured by this method. To avoid missing the modes, a layer-by-layer etching of the sample surface could be applied (5,6). However, this procedure have many chances to cut a part of the refractive index proflle occupied by the mode flelds, and that should lead to distortion of the original WG mode spectrum. The use of nonlinear optical efiects like second har- monic generation (4) can be successful only for limited number of optical materials demonstrating high values of the corresponding coe-cients. The paper presents a developed measuring technique named the end-flre mode spectroscopy which provides reliable measurement of the whole mode spectrum (7). This method is suitable for examination of planar WGs having arbitrary refractive index proflles including the case of buried WG structures with any burying depths. Furthermore, here is shown that this technique allows also conducting direct measurements of another important characteristic | the maximal refractive index in graded-index WGs, unlike conventional techniques that involve the set of measured mode indices and employ computing of the maximal value in the refractive index proflle using difierent approximations. 2. METHOD CONTENT The end-flre mode spectroscopy technique of mode index measurement is based on the registration of light beams radiated from the abrupt output edge of a planar WG, with each beam corresponding to the individual mode. Due to the difierent values of mode propagation constants, modes of difierent orders demonstrate difierent refraction angles at the output face of WG if they are directed to this face under the same inclination angle. It is this feature that is exploited by the technique. Both excitation and output of WG modes are performed at WG faces by the end-flre coupling method. This coupling method allows reliable launching and output of the whole mode spectrum in any planar WG. Therefore, the proposed technique can be applied to the analysis of mode spectra of arbitrary planar WGs, including ones with symmetric step-index proflles and deep-buried graded- index WGs.
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