Ozet Amac. Bu arastirma Sivas ili dort saglik ocagi bolgesindeki yaslilarin saglik bakim gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi amaci ile yapilmistir. Yontem. Arastirma tanimlayici tiptedir. Arastirmaya Sivas il merkezindeki dort saglik ocagi bolgesinde yasayan 65 yas ve uzeri 46 yasli alinmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak Gordon’un Fonksiyonel Saglik Oruntulerine gore olusturulan degerlendirme formu kullanilmistir. Bulgular. Yaslilarin %54,3’u okur yazar degil, %56,5’i calismamakta, %39,2’si emekli, %15,2’si yalniz yasamaktadir. Kadinlarla erkeklerin orani esittir ve %93,5’inin saglik guvencesi vardir. Yaslilarin beslenme, bosaltim, banyo yapma ve merdiven cikma gibi aktiviteler sirasinda gucluk yasadigi, %82,5’inin dolasim sistemi hastaligi oldugu belirlenmistir. Yuzde 41,3’unun gorme, %58,7’sinin isitme sorunu, %67,4’unun agri, %43,5’inin uyku sorunu oldugu saptanmistir. Yaslilarin %39,1’inin cigneme, %26,1’inin hazimsizlik sorunu yasadigi belirlenmistir. Yuzde 39,1’inde konstipasyon, %32,6’sinda da idrar bosaltimi ile ilgili sorunlarin oldugu ortaya cikmistir. Sonuc. Yaslilarin gunluk yasam aktivitelerini yerine getirmede gucluk yasadiklari, en fazla beslenme, bosaltim ve uyku alanlarinda bakima gereksinimlerinin oldugu belirlenmistir. Anahtar sozcukler: Yaslilik, yasli sorunlari, hemsirelik bakimi Abstract Aim. This research was performed to determine the health care needs of elderly in the four health care center regions in Sivas. Method. The research was descriptive. The population of the research included elderly above 65 age living in the four health care center boundaries in the city center of Sivas. Date was collectted using evaluation form which is designed according to Gordon Functional Health Pattern. Results. 54,3% of elderly could not read and write, 56,5% was unemployed, 39,1% was retired and 15,2% was living alone. Percentages of men and women were equal each other. 93,5% of elderly had insurance. It was determined that they had difficulties during various activities such as nutrition, elimination, bathing, climbing stairs, 82,5% had circulation disease. It was observed that 41,3% had sight problems, 58,7% could not hear well, 67,4% had pain and 43,5% had sleeping problem. 39,1% of elderly could not chew, 26,1% had digestion problem. 39,1 % had constipation while 32,6% of them suffered from urine elimination. Conclusions. Elderly had difficulties in performing the daily living activities. It was observed that elderly needs care mainly in nutrition, elimination and sleeping. Keywords: Elderly, elderly problems, nursing care
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