
OZET: 19. Yuzyilin yarisi ve 20.Yuzyila damgasini vuran bir siyasi ideoloji olan feminizm kadinlarin haklarini savunmak amaciyla ortaya cikmistir. Bu calismanin amaci feminist teorisyenlerinden radikal feminizm savunucularinin aile kurumuna bakis acilarinin nasil oldugunu irdelemektir. Radikal feministlerden Kate Millett ve Shulamith Firestone’nun feminizmin tarihi acisindan oldukca oneme sahip olan “Cinsel Politika” ve “Cinselligin Diyalektigi” adli eserlerinden yola cikilarak aile konusu ele alinmistir. Firestone ailenin kadinin ozgurlugunu kisitlamasi noktasinda daha cok kadinin biyolojik anneligi uzerinde durmustur. Kate Millett ise ailenin kadinin ozgurlugunu daha cok cinsellik acisindan kisitladigini vurgulamistir. ABSTRACT: Feminism which was a remarkable political ideology in the half of 19th and in the 20th century brought into existence to defend women’s rights. The aim of this study is to scrutinize how the defenders’ perspectives of the radical feminism are on the institution of family. In this study, the topic on family was came up on the basis of Kate Millett’s and Shulamith Firestone’s books “Sexual Politics” and “the Dialectic of the Sex” which are very crucial works in terms of the history of radical feminism. In relation to family’s restriction of the woman’s freedom, Firestone dwells on the woman’s biological motherhood. But Kate Millett emphasizes that the woman’s freedom is resticted by family with regards to sexuality.

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