
Turkish Abstract: Osmanli Devleti 19. Yuzyilin basinda hemen her kurumunda yenilik/reform hareketi baslatmistir. Bu hareketler kisa sure sonra Batililasma istegine donusmustur. Eski gunlere geri donme arayislari icinde, en sonunda “Bati gibi olmak zorundayiz” seklinde ozetlenen bir politika benimsenmistir. Bati’nin geldigi medeniyet seviyesine gelmenin, kurtulusun anahtari olacagini savunan devlet adamlarinin onculugunde, hemen her padisah, Bati medeniyetinin ulasmis oldugu seviyeye gelme arzusuyla, birtakim reformlar yapmistir. Bu dogrultuda Bati’dan bilim adamlari getirtilmis, Bati’yi gozlemlemesi icin devlet adamlari yurt disina gonderilmis, elci ve diplomatlardan raporlar hazirlamalari istenmis, Bati medeniyeti ithal edilmis, Batili devlet adamlarinin ve ulke icindeki elci ve diplomatlarin gorusleri dikkate alinmis ve en nihayetinde devletin yonu Bati’ya cevrilmistir. Batililasma, medeni olmayla esanlamli gorulmus ve yapilan yeniliklerle Bati’nin ulasmis oldugu seviyeye gelebilmek hedeflenmistir. 19. yuzyil reformlari tek tek incelendiginde, Bati’nin etkili oldugu veya Bati eksenli bir anlayis goze carpar. Boylece Bati medeniyetinde ortaya cikan insan haklari, yasama, mulkiyet ve haysiyet gibi kavramlarin, ozgurluk ve hurriyet kavramlariyla ic ice gectigi bir ortamda gerceklestirilmesine yonelik bir ideal ortaya cikmistir. Reform yanlisi devlet adamlarinin, medeniyetin olcusu olarak kabul ettikleri Avrupa toplumuna benzeme ideali olan Avrupalilasma ise, zaman zaman Batililasma yerine kullanilmistir. Bununla birlikte Avrupalilasma, medeniyet seviyesi ileri kabul edilen Bati’ya ve dolayisiyla Bati hukukuna dâhil olma cabasidir. Avrupalilasma, bu yonuyle 1815 Viyana Kongresi’nde dile getirilen “Avrupa Uyumu” projesinin kabul gormesinin ardindan hukukta da bir uyum saglama dusuncesinden kaynaklanmis bir kavram olarak yenilenme surecine dahil olmustur. Bu arastirmada Osmanli Adliye Teskilatinin yenilenme surecinde, medeniyet algisinin ne denli etkili oldugu, medeniyet algisina etki eden faktorlerin analizi ve 19. Yuzyil siyasi gelismeleriyle birlikte degerlendirilecektir.English Abstract: Ottoman Empire has begun innovations/reform movement in almost all institutions at the beginning of the 19th century. This movement soon turned into Westernization request. A policy that has been adopted summarized as we have to be like the West” in the quest to return to the old days, in the end. Almost every Sultan has made some reforms, with the desire to come to the level of Western civilization, under the leadership of statesmen argues that the key to salvation should be like Western civilization. In this respect, scientists have been brought from the West, statesmen were sent abroad to observe the West, were asked to prepare reports by ambassadors and diplomats, Western civilization has been imported, are considered opinions of Western statesmen and ambassadors and diplomats in the country,and ultimately the direction of the state is translated to the West. Westernization, has been seen as synonymous with be civilized and is aimed to come the level of the West have reached. When examined individually reforms of the 19th century, are noticeable West to be effective or an understanding of the Western axis. Thus has emerged an ideal for carrying with emerging concepts in Western civilization such as human rights, legislative property and dignity, are intertwined with concepts such as liberty and freedom. Europeanization reformminded statesmen, they accept as a measure of civilization is the ideal of society look like. was used in place Westernization from time to time. However, Europeanization is an effort that adopted advanced level of civilization in the West and therefore Western law to be involved. Europeanization has been included in renewal process as a concept stemmed also from the idea to adapt in law after acceptance of Project expressed at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 as European Integration. In this study, will be assessed that analysis of factors affecting the perception of civilization and political developments of the 19th century with how effective is the perception of civilization, in the process of renewal of the Ottoman Courthouse Organization.

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