Human body has its own mechanism to protect it from all type of illnesses including infectious one as well as from those which are no communicable including onset of metabolic syndrome and pre mature aging etc. Food intake governs the health status and illness history of individuals including the aging onset. This piece of work covers preparation details of certain Naturally Fortified Healthy Foody Drinks and Preparations built upon classical understanding of knowledge integrated with latest advancement in health sciences regular intake of which can not only delay the process aging, improves skin and hair texture but also ensures natural health with having therapeutic potential. These naturally fortified Foody items including Remedial Egg Mix are tailored by minimal processing at domestic level to meet nutritional deficiency challenge during Covid 19 Pandemic. Detailed discussion on this aspect of health related issues would be avoided as a chapter co-authored by me covering the topic of food driven tourism while discussing certain drivers of natural health using un reported novel approach based understanding on health sciences is already in press. This study can be used to design small business functional units helpful to deal with the various challenges of prevailing in present era of Covid 19 pandemic Functional food fermentation cheap raw produces diseases health food safety food supply chain microbiome probiotics food safety phytochemicals fortification, epigenetics SOD1 GSH, glucose metabolism cholesterol metabolism Covid 19 Nutritional deficiency challenge.
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