In the course of writing this scientific article, it was determined that the organization of material and technical support (MTS) is a critical aspect of resource management of a modern enterprise. The article analyzes the concept of logistics in the current conditions of functioning of domestic enterprises. The key aspects of the influence of the external environment on the process of rational use of production and resource potential for the effective solution of the problem of logistics of modern enterprises are generalized. In addition, in view of the purpose of the study, the most effective approaches to the organization of logistics are identified, in particular, the traditional one, based on the preservation of stocks to meet production needs; process-based, aimed at integrating and optimizing management processes; logistics, which systematizes the optimization and control of material flows. It is found that each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when choosing the optimal model for a particular enterprise. The study also found that models such as economic order size, material requirements planning, just-in-time system and supply chain are key management tools for organizing the MTP. It is determined that such models help to optimize production processes, reduce storage costs and increase transparency in supply chains. In addition, it is noted that the models have their limitations, such as the need for accurate demand and cost data, complexity in application, and dependence on supply stability. The article also notes that the introduction of modern approaches and models in the organization of logistics allows enterprises to ensure effective resource management, which contributes to sustainable development and competitiveness, as well as ensures their readiness for changes in the economic environment.
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