By understanding the work behavior of employees, the company will find it easy to manage and understand its employees with the aim of creating a consistent and positive work environment, so that all activities in the company run well and can make a profit for the company. Factors that influence a person's work behavior but indirectly and slowly but gradually make changes in the person's behavior, namely authentic leadership and organizational culture factors. This study was conducted based on field phenomena that indicate inadequate employee work behavior, allegedly caused by the weak role of authentic leadership, organizational culture and work engagement. The study aims to analyze the influence of authentic leadership and organizational culture on work behavior through work engagement. The associative causal research method with respondents LPD employees in Kuta District. The number of samples involved in this study was 69 respondents using the Slovin formula with proportional stratified random sampling. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is SmartPLS. The results of the study showed that authentic leadership has a positive and significant effect on work behavior. Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on work behavior. Authentic leadership has a positive and significant effect on work engagement. Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on work engagement. Employee work engagement has a positive and significant effect on work behavior. Work engagement is able to mediate the indirect effect of authentic leadership on work behavior. Work engagement is able to mediate the indirect effect of organizational culture on work behavior. Suggestions that can be given to increase employee dedication are to increase employee enthusiasm for their work. For example, a company makes a challenge to choose the best division or team every month and gives rewards to the team that wins. Leaders can increase awareness around them about ethics according to morality and honesty, especially superiors so that they can provide examples or role models to subordinates, as well as increase responsibility and create order for others so that they can run well.
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