A liquid scintillation method has been developed for the determination of microcurie and picocurie levels of plutonium-239 and other alpha-emitting radionuclides in animal tissues. A commercially available liquid scintillation spectrometer is used, and nearly 100% counting efficiency is achieved. Transfer losses and dilution of activity are avoided by preparation of the entire tissue sample, rather than an aliquot, in the counting vial to be used for the analysis. Organic matter is removed by alternating acid digestion with heating in a mufflle furnace. Optimal ashing conditions and instrumental parameters were determined for the analysis of plutonium in bone, liver, spleen, feces, and urine. In several comparisons of analytical results by liquid scintillation and by proportional counting, close agreement between the two methods was obtained. However, the liquid scintillation method is less laborious and time-consuming, yields closer replication of analytical values, and permits more analyses per experime...
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