This paper describes a series of pilot experiments developed to define the electrode setup in order to record a novel parallel electromyography (EMG)–audio database. The main purpose of the database is to provide data useful for the development of an EMG-based silent speech interface for Spanish laryngectomized speakers. Motivated by the scarcity of information in related studies regarding this important decision-making process, we decided to carry out a set of experiments with multiple recording sessions and different setups. We included different electrode types (paired and concentric) and locations targeting different muscles in the face and neck involved in the speech production process. We then analyzed the results obtained in a phone classification task using frame-based phone accuracy. The final setup consists of eight channels with bipolar single-electrode pairs targeting eight specific muscles crucial for capturing speech-related information: the digastric, the depressor anguli oris, the risorius, the levator labii superioris, the masseter, the zygomaticus major, the depressor labii superioris, and the stylohyoid. This setup has been used for the final recordings in the database. By providing insight into the electrode setups that were used in related studies and the optimal setup that resulted from this pilot study, we hope that this research will help future researchers in the field in determining their experimental setup.
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