Development of distributed computing systems (DCS) takes an important place in modern scientificand technical literature. Generally, only one of the most significant features of DCS is discussedin the papers, for example, performance, reliability, fault tolerance, energy efficiency andscalability. In this paper authors attempt to overall consider the problem of DCS design, based on theexample of a multi-channel onboard DCS for data processing places in autonomous underwatervehicle (AUV). The aim of this paper is to formulate a unified concept of a multi-channel onboardDCS for real-time data processing. As a result, the architecture and principles of operation of a multi-channel onboard DCS are proposed, based on well-known approaches to fault tolerance and energy efficiency, taking into account the features of scalable systems. The proposed solutions can beviewed as an advancement of traditional approaches to scalable systems development. Fault toleranceis achieved by using test-based diagnostic tools. In order to reduce the complexity of these tools,redundancy is preliminarily added into each software module (SM) of the system. Then tests for theredundancies are built. It is shown that this test detects failures in the addressing of exchanges betweenSM blocks that implement the data processing. Based on the results of the analysis of the diagnostictool reaction to the test, a failed software module is detected. Then failed module stops itswork, and a new SM that implements the same algorithm is started execute instead. Energy efficiencyproposals are suitable for the case of the presence of redundant processors in the system which couldsupport multi-core technology. These processors could be involved in the execution process of thesystem SMs with a simultaneous decrease in the clock frequency and supply voltage. Since the powerconsumption in the DCS significantly depends on frequency and supply voltage, it decreases alongwith this parameter values. An optimal greedy algorithm is used to solve described problem, whichassumes sequential involving of additional processors into the system. It is important that energyefficiency proposal of the DCS provides the latter additional fault tolerance capabilities. The practicalimportance of the proposed concept consists in the possibility of using not only in AUVs application.It also could be used in other cases of scalable multi-channel onboard DCS development withreal-time data processing which have fault tolerance and energy efficiency requirements.
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