MOST WORK ON INFLATION AND WELFARE RELIES ON SOME variant of the optimal tax framework. By the straightforward application of the static optimal tax literature, Helpman and Sadka (1979) attempt to present sufficient conditions under which the optimal rate of inflation is positive in a second-best world, though they do not discuss the level of optimal inflation. As stressed by Siegel (1978), in the static problem there is an infinite set of tax rates that minimize welfare costs, and hence a value of optimal inflation cannot be determined. All we can say is that Friedman's optimum quantity of money rule is generally not optimal in a second-best world. In an intertemporal framework, however, an optimal inflation rate can be determined. Summers (1981) presents an explicit expression for the optimal rate of inflation under ad hoc formulations of savings behavior. In general the optimal rate of inflation will be determined implicitly by a combination of references and technology. The difficulty in saying anything explicit about the optimal rate of inflation is now generally recognized. An alternative approach is to explore the welfare cost of inflation more systematically. If the welfare cost of inflationary finance is relatively small compared with other distortionary taxes, the optimal rate of inflation may well be high. The welfare effects are examined by starting with the expenditure function and comparing the
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