Wepresent a partial solution to theproblem of optimal feedback reorientation of the symmetry axisofan axially symmetric rigid body. The performance index is quadratic in the state and the control variable, and the optimal reorientation maneuver requires the use of only two control torques. Because of the passivity characteristics and the cascade structure of the system we e rst state two optimal regulation problems for the dynamics and the kinematics subsystems, separately. In this case one is able to e nd explicit solutions to the associated Hamilton ‐ Jacobi equations. For thecompletesystem, wepresent solutions fortwo partial cases. Thee rst case is when there is no penalty on the control input. In this case, one can asymptotically recover the cost for the kinematics by making the dynamics sufe ciently fast. The second case investigates restrictions imposed by optimality considerations on the aforementioned control law to avoid high gain.
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