In optical media, particularly in gases, there existseveral types of quadratic optical nonlinearity. Thisphenomenon is manifested in a nonlinear (quadratic)dependence of the refractive index n of the opticalmedium on the light wave amplitude. The best knownis the Kerr optical nonlinearity, for which the increasein the refractive index is associated with orienting mol-ecules in the light wave field. The other example is thephenomenon of electrostriction, in which the light wavecompresses the medium and elevates its density,thereby increasing n [1]. It turns out that, in gas mix-tures, there exists one more mechanism of manifestingoptical nonlinearity. We are implying the fact that themolecules of a gas with the highest n are attracted to theregion of the most intense light. As a result, the refrac-tive index of the mixture is higher compared to theequilibrium mixture in the absence of optical radiation.Thus, quantity n inside the radiation field is dependenton the radiation intensity. In the case of increasing n ,the work spent to separate molecules in a gas mixturecan be smaller than that spent for the same increase in n by means of compression of the same gas mixture bythe electrostriction mechanism. Therefore, the effectobserved can be even stronger than in the case of elec-trostriction.As is well known, the separation of a mixture isassociated with an energy consumption determined bythe expression W = T ∆ S , where T is the temperature ofthe gas mixture and ∆ S is the rise of the entropy whenthe gases are mixed [2]. If this process is adiabatic, theincrement of entropy is zero. Therefore, when the heatinflow to the system under consideration is negligible,the work needed for separation of the gas mixture isclose to zero, and the nonlinearity coefficient of the gasmixture can be rather high. However, the time of occur-ring transition processes accompanied by the suction ofmolecules of a gas with the highest n is also relativelylong, because it is associated with transport phenom-ena. Therefore, in the case of instantaneous appearanceof radiation, e.g., in a gas discharge, there is no domainfrom which molecules can be sucked, since the radia-tion is present in the entire volume of the mixture.However, this does not imply that the effect of the indi-cated mechanism is not manifested.In the same manner as the condensation of saturatedvapor can be accompanied by the appearance of a fogconsisting of small droplets of liquid, the molecules ofa gas with the highest n are concentrated by intenseradiation in a local domain. In contrast to droplets ofliquid—where molecules occupy the entire droplet vol-ume—in a gas mixture, molecules are concentrated in athin spherical layer (TSL) having an increased refrac-tive index. The TSL plays the role of a bent planar lightguide directing the light that circulates in it over all pos-sible paths. Intense light, in turn, provides the concen-tration in the TSL of molecules with the highest n .Thus, in a gas mixture, intense light condenses asthough into light fog consisting of a set of different-sizeTSLs.Figure 1 illustrates the stages of the appearance ofthese formations. We assume that, in a certain domain,a fluctuation of the density and/or of the concentrationhas occurred. In this case, the boundary of the domainwith an elevated refractive index is convex. Then, inaccordance with the eikonal equation, a beam propagat-ing along the tangent to the boundary is bent toward themaximum refractive index. The radius of curvature isdetermined by the expression R
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