The technology that consists of treating sewage on submerged granular filters is now far beyond the stages of research and testing on pilot units. Fifteen or so full-scale facilities are in operation in France using, as a biological treatment stage, the fixed biomass technology as realised by the Biocarbone process, particularly for the treatment of sewage from built-up areas along the seaboard. These are cases where the advantages of this technique can be put to decisive use. The Mediterranean seaboard is an ideal site for this technology. Cases in point are the waterworks of Sanary Bandol (pop.60,000) and Perpignan (pop.160,000), that have been in operation for two years and one year respectively. Waterworks in Monaco (pop.100,000) and Antibes (pop.170,000) will be commissioned in 1989 using the same technology. Results obtained during intensive controls show that the fixed biomass, designed with a suitable industrial technology, is capable of producing in routine conditions, on full industrial-scale plant, a very good quality effluent. (COD : 70 mg/l, TSS : 20 mg/l) for pollutant loads in the order of 8 kg COD/m3 day. It enables the fluctuations in the daily flow-rate and pollution load of the influent to be absorbed. The units currently being built are examples of what can be done in compact roofed facilities incorporating a fixed biomass treatment stage, with the objective of reaching a no-nuisance level.
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