A pilot who experiences engine cutoff when flying at an envelope point of high velocity and low altitude needs as much range and altitude as possible for safe landing. An algorithm is presented that converts the velocity excess into altitude and range in an optimal way. Such an algorithm can be implemented after engine cutoff as the first stage of an emergency landing. The optimization problem is identified as a two-timescale problem composed of a short-duration initial boundary layer, followed by a long segment dominated by slow behavior. The slow segment represents the classical quasi-steady-state glide, whereas the boundary layer determines the fast dynamic phase in which the excess of the dynamic pressure is converted into the steady-state dynamic pressure while reaching the highest altitude. The boundary-layer section is solved by the dichotomic basis method and applied to the F-16, and the ensuing solution is compared to the exact one. The match between the two is very good. with timescale separation based on three-timescale separation: The velocity and path angle were assumed to be faster than the altitude and range, and the path angle was assumed to be faster than the ve- locity. Such a separation produces a main boundary layer that keeps the altitude on hold while considering the dynamic fast change of the velocity and path angle. The main boundary layer has an internal sublayer that keeps the velocity on hold, changing the path angle first. This formulation defines boundary layers such that each one has only one active variable, thus, enabling an analytical solution of the boundary layers that produces an open-loop solution of the trajectory and a feedback law for the control. The ensuing solu- tions were compared to the exact ones, and the matching between the approximated solutions and the exact numerical solutions were studied. The open-loop solutions showed good agreement for those cases where the initial dynamic pressure was much higher than the stabilized one. The feedback solutions were reasonable except for induced oscillations that appeared when the boundary layer inter- cepted the steady-state segment. The oscillations result because the path-angle time constant is not faster than that of the velocity when approaching the stabilized section. In this paper, the same maximum range problem is treated, but as a two-time-constant problem instead of a three-time-constant problem. The path angle and the velocity time constants are con- sidered comparable, but faster than the altitude and range. Under this assumption, numerical solutions based on the dichotomic basis method 1 are derived. The dichotomic basis approach's objective is to develop an indirect solution method for nonlinear two-timescale optimal control problems, a solution method based on underlying geometric structure of the trajectories of the Hamiltonian system but not requiring a priori knowledge of this structure. Two capabilities are required: splitting the Hamiltonian system into slow and fast parts and splitting the fast part into contracting and expanding parts. The expanding part is suppressed in the initial boundary layer, thus, enabling an easier convergence of the solution.
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